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Futures trading in Crypto - 02/23/2023

 Original post June 3 2022

If you havent bought or sold any cryptocurrency then you likely dont know that long and shorts are available on many platforms on coins. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission Thursday bought a suit against the crypto company owned by the billionaire Winklevoss brothers, saying it misled regulators as an effort to gain approval for bitcoin futures in 2017.


What I find interesting about this suit allegations is a few things.


With all of the talk of tracking capabilities of on chain transactions when you have centralized wallets that hold all trades its easy to see how even regulators cant track trades.


Here is the original announcement where Gemini confirms they are regulated via CFTC


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New Discord Help Me Buy My New Home - 01/18/2023

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It's jarring to get an email you can no longer access funds - 01/18/2023

 Original post June 19, 2022

This along with any post that I post is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor. I enjoy the Shark Tank show and Mr. Wonderful isnt my favorite person on there its Barbra Corcoran, I dont always like how Realtors are represented on tv but thats for another post.

Mr. O'leary I do listen to what he would have to say on residuals and he says a few times a season how he made his money from selling a toy company he likes his royalty payments  and licensing. He this week came out and said he cant call a bottom to the crypto market but its healthy for the alt coins which means small cap in stock terms to go through clearing out to the bottom to come out with only strong coins.

He also shared the point of view with bitcoin maxi also known as maximalist they call him Michael Saylor who has called for regulations of coins.  I have thought the decentralization promise and originals would not want to see a centralized bank/ also known as centralization since bitcoin was based on a written whitepaper from an unknown person called Nakamoto.

The promise was just shown in Ukraine the power of crypto being sent to get around banks that were central and have funds arrive automatic direct to their crypto department of finance. Those that didnt agree with the invasion could help support the military. There is of course the flip side that there is the possibility of funds going around money launder measures and know your cusomters with mixers and the black pools and market for criminal activity that I think most associate with the starting of crypto with silk road. The crypto market has come a long way I feel with coin rating tools, coin exchanges contract bug reviews, defi safety outlets such as blockchain scanner tools and auditors of smart contracts for nft projects and coins.

If you at all follow business news CNBC they have crypto shows as does Bloomberg. You will have heard of the 30 billion loss of Terracoin holders. This is  different than trading on a dex meaning decentralized exchanged that gets hacked and loses coins.

This last month that triggered the decline in coin prices as this was advertised as a stable coin with close to 20% returns. That was followed this week with multiple billion dollar older existing crypto wallet companies with millions of customers that they promised staking which is like getting dividends for your coins they are now putting a freeze on funds similar to Robinhood which I was against as that was anti free markets to stop trading with both companies including the one I have funds with Celsius.

They promise a hodl mode which locked your coins with multiple layers of password and 2 factor authentication which was what drew me in addition to a bonus offer of bitcoin small amount with locking of coins I had already on hand called matic/polygon along with it being a older wallet and US company that had under management billions.


BlockScout Blockchain Explorer
CertiK Alert

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I started a new group https://activerain.com/groups/NFT - 01/16/2023


If you were wondering about what an nft was I have started the group for you.

If you wanted to find out where to buy one. If you wanted to find out research tools to know how many have minted in the last hour, also what minting is.

If you wanted to know all time sales for a project, daily sales and volume tracking follow along with the group.

If you wanted to know of other markets not just the largest opensea check it out.

The crypto market is in a bear market along with nft projects so this could be a good time to take a look and get started in the metaverse virtual land and building.



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Top 5 things to consider with nft - 01/15/2023


1. Has this projects team doxxed themselves, meaning are they public facing and out front with who the founders are, this makes them not always but most of the time more accountable if they want to keep a reputation with keeping up promises made with the project.


2. Do they have previous project experience, how did that go?


3. Research tools look at what blockchain they will be on, have there already been projects like this one how did they do?


4.How long are you willing to wait to see if they live up to their whitepaper and roadmap? Is this a flip or hold?

5.How much do you want to invest in this project and in the market overall how much are you wanting to diversify into new tech and its long term potential?

Bonus here for you, many articles have been written about do they have twitter followers, do they have active discord and telegram communities. *You can buy followers and bots in all social platforms* @followeraudit

While I do check a project does have a website and has socials, I tend to lean toward discord and check to see they have an active team that answers questions before feeling ok with picking up more than one of anything but thats me.

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DALLĀ·E mini by hugging face AI tool - 01/14/2023


I grew up in Columbus Ohio, my favorite pro sports teams were the Cleveland Indians now called Guardians, the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Cavs so I had to try out the new tool mini that is open to the public for the last couple weeks. This tool is an artificial intelligence tool that you can make any query (search term) on to see what it spits out for results. If you plug in videos games, tv shows, movies its seems to have good results and knows what you are talking about I havent tried little known titles but there is enough to make it worth checking out in my opinion. This is all original work not made until you send it in, if you do the same term you will get new returns as well for the same topic. This one was a mash up of Cleveland pro teams.  


So why share this on ActiveRain, well I would say this is to prove that this is a person typing this and not a robot also lets you get to know the person behind the blog a bit when we move to incorporate more than real estate only blog post. 

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Wondering if any architects will gain inspiration from AI - 01/13/2023


I had to of course see what kind of home an openai source based on gtp3 machines would come up with when putting in the term Buy A Florida Vacation Home matching my website name https://www.BuyAFloridaVacationHome.com

the program is said to be a smaller version of gpt3 using 12 billion parameters instead of 175 billion. It is still interesting to me and creative and it only takes a minute to get results.  It said to be a neural network developed based on OpenAI another thing Elon Musk has his hand in is OpenAI. This smaller version uses a dataset of text-image pairs instead of very broad dataset like gpt3. If you google hackermoon thats normally a good site for tech specs on topics. 

The sixth picture roof watch tower looks really interesting. 

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So you bought an NFT what else can you do with them ? part 2 - 01/12/2023


You might have seen https://activerain.com/blogsview/5734588/visit-the-nft-virtual-reality-vr-gallery-oncyber-lgbt 

This previous post discussed who was in the gallery in the way of the Marble Cards NFTS. I have made dozens of galleries with Oncyber gallery.

Here is another Gallery I made using the NFTs I have purchased. Here is the website address if you wanted to take a gallery tour today https://oncyber.io/nbanfts


ActiveRain seems to not be cooperating with me today. I tried multiple browsers and added the above image from twitter with the twitter link direct added into the source space. I think they should bring back the bubble for newer members and or members that havent been on for some time as an explainer. After trying the normal upload image button, tried the Responsive Filemanager at first I started out with a screenshot (901) and it wouldnt upload with a () around the image. Then went on to update the name. That didnt do it so had to change the file type in paint.net I thought that worked to display in the file manager after renaming it started to show image but again wouldnt display here ActiveRain Real Estate Network so tagging AR to see if something needs done behind the scenes on my account.

Here is the link if you would like to check out the additional view.


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So you bought an NFT what else can you do with them ? - 01/11/2023


You may have seen my previous post during Pride month.



If you didnt see that one about the 1st deck nft on Marble Cards one of the original NFT projects on Opensea you might have seen this one.


Reminding everyone to not forget that we have been through this in Florida with rights being abused by elected officials (mind you I wasnt born yet last time) doesnt mean you cant know that it happen.

You might have seen the thank you post to ERA American

https://activerain.com/blogsview/5734577/equalityact-twitter-collection-thank-you-era-nft Thanking an Ally



One of the NFTs that I made before Pride month then used on my social media's. The Marble Twitter collection cards/nfts were a good post to share on Instagram, Facebook Buisiness page, Wordpress, here on ActiveRain along with Twitter itself and on my website on the blog there. Just one reuse of content to create a new NFT.  

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Instagram starts marketplace 2 compete against using their influencers - 01/10/2023


I was on @linkedin and noticed this article I hope this will be a benefit to artist and creators https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/13/instagram-creator-marketplace which links to this article on the release of a new marketplace for instagram influencers. I have seen business stories before about startups years ago who offered these services seems like Meta has seen the same stories and decided to let businesses go to the source direct at Instagram to let businesses get with creators to help their brand and do campaigns with direct agreements. This is possibly a smart business move with of course likely a cut to go to Meta aka Facebook or formerly known as Facebook. I dont know all details as it just rolled out but interesting their normal model has been free at first functions that sometimes get monetized direct or sometimes they try to really build and just get the ad dollar through the attention token revenue of selling ads but we will see what they do with this business section  Meta Business Suite https://business.instagram.com/blog/creator-marketplace-discover-partnerships 

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