View my oncyber gallery today - 07/29/2022
Brandon Jordan is now certified in real estate blockchain via REConsortia - 07/24/2022
I just got my certificate and have my practitioner nft as well. I found out about this company and new course released in the last month from researching blockchain and doing a search on NARs articles by the REACH division, researching a little more I found NAR has a venture capital arm and they invest in startups. I minted my own nft sometime ago with another project so this just seem to be a good fit for me. I do believe in the future of transactions being routed through public/private blockchain with title already on chain and banks required through Dodd Frank to have assets on chain its good to be in line for when banks are looking who is on a certain network. I am one of the first 150 in the nation to be certified in real estate blockchain.
The only SEC and RESPA compliant blockchain solution in compliance matters Consortia is the only NFT and training solution led by an SEC registered investment banker, real estate broker and mortgage loan originator. "We focus on SEC rules, RESPA, and good funds laws to protect the industry." -REConsortia
My QR code Brandon Jordan Realtor - 07/06/2022
My new Linktree - 07/02/2022
Here are my links and socials
Brandon Jordan Northwest Florida Realtor-FloridaBuyHome Twitter Collection NFT - 06/23/2022
Brandon Jordan Northwest Florida Realtor-Helpmebuymynewhome Twitter Collection NFT - 06/21/2022
Happy Pride Monty Andy Marlette Twitter Collection NFT - 06/19/2022
Brandon Jordan Northwest Florida Realtor- Equality Florida Twitter Collection NFT - 06/17/2022
Brandon Jordan Northwest Florida Realtor- Happy Pride Month dont forget the Florida purple pamphlet #dontsaygay Twitter Collection NFT - 06/15/2022
Brandon Jordan Northwest Florida Realtor- EqualityAct Twitter Collection NFT - 06/13/2022
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